Monday 11 October 2010

Target Audience Interviews

To find out more about our target audience me and Ellie conducted a set of questions for our audience interviews. This was to give us an idea of their views of social realist drama as a genre and the expectations they hold for this genre of film. We asked five individuals that attend our college and recorded our interviews on my blackberry:

1) Name?
2) Age?
3) Are you familiar with the genre social realist drama?
4) What are your views on social realist drama as a genre?
5) What are your views on the use of gun crime and drug use in films today?
6) Is this a genre you would normally choose to watch, if so/not, why?
7) What typical conventions do you expect to see in within the storylines of this genre?
8) What previous films have you seen that fall under this or a similar genre?
From these interviews we found that they had a lot of opinions on how gun crime and drugs are presented and the problems they cause within society. However they expected this to be a typical storyline within this genre of film. It gave us a lot of information and a sound understanding of the expectations that this genre holds and the importance of creating an exciting, fast paced teaser trailer.

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