Monday 11 October 2010

Audience Questionnaire

My primary research into audiences gave me a better understanding on what they expect from a teaser trailer, their thoughts and views on Social Realist Drama (youth culture/gang) films and the age, gender and type of social class of audience in which my group should be targeting our film at. Film posters and magazine covers are another aspect of our media campaign that we need to have a solid understanding of so that we know how much information to use, the imagery and the types of conventions of this genre. This knowledge will also come from secondary research and the previous research we have already done. We used facebook, google mail and handouts of this questionnaire to get the best response possible and to ensure our data was unbiased.
Example of our questionnaire:

1. Gender?
Male        Female

2. Age?
16-18      19-21      22+

3. Do you like watching films?
Yes     No

4. If yes, what is your favourite film?

5. How often do you watch films?
Very often       Often      Not much

6. Do you like Social Realist Drama (youth culture/gang) films?

Yes      No

7. If yes, what one is your favourite?

8. What information do you expect to get from a trailer?

9. How much information would you expect to find on a film poster?

10. What type of story lines do you expect to find in a youth culture film?

11. Are teaser trailers ever enough to excite you enough into going to watch a film?
Yes       No

Here are examples of our questionnaire sent via new media; all of whom fit into our target audience:

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