Monday 11 October 2010

Questionaire Results

                                                                    Question 5:
These graphs here are the results to question 5 'How often do you watch films?'. I found that more men watched films then females and that the response of people watching films 'often' was much greater depending on the age group.


Question 6:
In the next set of results taken from question 6 'Do you like youth culture films?' tell me that overall the majority of males preferred youth culture films (social realist drama) to females. However in the age group 22+ I found that they all answered 'no', this means that this is the audience that I won't be targeting my film at whereas the age groups 16 - 18 and 19 - 20 had a majority of 'yes' as their answer. My main target audience therefore is males between the ages of 16 - 20.

Question 11:
This question was to give us feedback on how important audiences think teaser trailers are even though they do not offer a lot of information about the film. We asked if they believed they gave enough excitement for them to be interested in going to watch the film and we found that neither male nor female between the ages of 19 - 21 said no but nearly half between 16 - 18 said it wasn't enough. We need to ensure excitement is a key role throughout our teaser trailer in order to maintain that level of excitement expected by the audience but we also need to cater for the audiences that want more then jst excitement. This is an area we need to develop on as to get their attention and produce a teaser trailer that is exciting, eye catching and thrilling enough to grab attention and get the response needed.

From this questionnaire I found youth culture genre is more popular between the ages of 16 - 21 compared to that of older adults. The majority of people who answered my questionnaire were people who watched films reguarly and their favourite youth culture films were the sequel Kidulthood and Adulthood, this might be because of the high profile and media coverage in which both films have compared to various other films unde this genre. The responses to questions 8 and 9 were similar saying that from a teaser trailer they would expect to be aware of the characters and have an understanding of the storyline and obviously know the release date. For the film poster they want to be able to recognise the film and know the title, cast names and release date. Question 10 gave us information into what our audience expects from a youth/culture film and the storyline; they expect to see drug and alcohol abuse, sex, gangs, violence and a dramatised view on the problems young people face in society today.

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