Thursday 30 September 2010

The Omen Film Poster

The Omen falls under the genre of horror and the conventions used in this teaser poster show this specifically through the use of the dark colours used and the way the fog creates a sinister approach to the image by blurring out the background and allowing only parts of the foreground to be shown. The eye is drawn to the young boy and the dog, they both look out of place in the image because of the location. The features on both are hidden however the eyes of both the dog and the boy stand out making the audience feel uncomfortable. The physocology of using children in a horror film is that it evokes a sense of uneasiness in the audience because of the idea that children should be vulnerable and innocent. Also the date of the film's release is a convention if this genre because the number 666 is associated with the devil. To emphasise this point further the tag line has been used almost like a religious quote and written to highlight the idea of the date being a significance to the film. You could also agree that the USP of this film would be the 666 because of all the emphasise on it and the symbolism of the numbers. Anything to do with religion is a significant representation to the genre of horror and is associated with the idea of good over evil. It is used in this poster through the use of the 'O' casting a shadow in the shape of a cross this again helps emphasise the sinister atmosphere created around the poster.
I think the intended audience for this teaser poster would be adults or young adults because the elements of horror portrayed wouldn't be suitable for a younger audience. I would also agree that males would be the main target.

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